Archive for August, 2022

5 reasons why Purely Digital are committed to sustainable printing

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Purely Digital have always believed in sustainable printing from the outset. Our owner Andy has been a big believer in finding ways to help save the environment and climate since the inception of our company. There are plenty of reasons why he believes in this cause, which we will go into below. But as always, actions speak louder than words, and that’s why Purely Digital ensure we practice what we preach. Here are 5 reasons why this corporate printing company is committed to sustainable printing.

1)    We can help create more woodland – thus saving the environment

Since 2013, we’ve been actively planting new trees across the UK as part of the Premier Paper Group’s Carbon Capture® scheme. So, even though we are using (recycling-friendly) paper and packaging for our Direct Mail and scratchcard campaigns, we are also replacing what we use. 2779.14㎡ is the area of the new native woodland we have created since we started our environmentally friendly campaigns. We are dedicated to doing good for our planet.

Basically, thanks to our sustainable printing processes led by Andy, we can help to save the environment and provide a better future for our children.

2) We can inspire others to be sustainable through sustainable printing

If a printing company can be sustainable, why can’t others? We choose our materials to be as environmentally friendly as we can. We always try to source responsibly for you, but that doesn’t mean we let ourselves dip in quality. Our business cards, scratchcards and direct mail leaflets are obviously still of an incredibly high standard. So, whilst some may query how you can be sustainable whilst working in the printing industry, we’re about to tell you how we do it and why it should inspire others to be greener.

Sustainable printing requires much effort, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. Yes, there is a lot of complicated jargon, but that’s what this article is all about! We’re here to explain why we are committed to being a sustainable printing company. Plus, we can help your business become greener and cleaner.  

3) The benefits outweigh the risks

Because of how the world is going, customers have been known to get a real buzz when they discover their eco-friendly items. Not only does the environment benefit, but your brand will too! However, as mentioned in this article here, supply and demand economics cannot fully capture the value of sustainability within a business.

A happy customer who is thrilled with their product and the environmentally friendly impact can do wonders for your business. Whether through word of mouth or reviews, if your brand is known to be working with sustainable practices, it’s a great unique selling point. Plus, it makes your company or business very attractive to work with.

Additionally, other benefits of offering sustainable printing services include efficiency and speed. You can submit a faster turnaround, and if, like Purely Digital, they deliver straight to you, it all contributes to saving the environment.

4) You can’t afford to be unsustainable

So, we know the benefits of being (and using) a sustainable printing company, but we also know the negatives if you are not a sustainable company. Not only do you miss out on the benefits mentioned above and the advantages, but you will be harming the environment. That is number one on our list of negatives. Forget about the damage that can be done to your brand. The harm you are doing to the world and climate is why you should always look to develop environmentally friendly business practices.

Your contribution to waste production will be measured, and there are likely to be more harmful chemicals at play in the production of your materials. Some printing companies may also leave machines running all night, which is a waste and bad for the environment. They are consuming more energy which is a big negative for the environment. It is, in effect, unsustainable. Check out Purely Digital’s credentials and eco-friendly page to see our accreditation which we are so proud of!

5) We just want to be Purely Green

Although it sounds like a cliché, we do just want the world to be a better place. By being a sustainable printing company for corporate companies, we are changing the world for the better. In the news, there are enough warnings about waste, landfills, pollution, and global warming to make us realise that we need to do better. So, to help combat this, our aim is to be purely green.

It helps our business, and it also helps yours. Your carbon footprint will likely decrease, but it will also improve your business’s efficiency. We work with one eye on the future. By improving the journey we take you on, we help create a better future.

Talk to Purely Digital about sustainable printing

Get in touch with Purely Digital today to discuss the benefits of sustainable printing. We can help your business in many ways. Whether it be by printing for corporate companies or coming up with innovative ways to keep your company’s data safe. We’re full of creativity and imaginative ideas!

We look forward to hearing from you.